Do you work in-person and online?

Absolutely. I have been offering online sessions since 2019 and also see people in person. Sometimes people prefer to do a hybrid approach which fits their schedules better.

What will happen during our initial appointment?

After our initial call, we may decide to meet in-person or online. You can get a feel for whether we’d be a good fit and whether CBT will be the right therapy for you. There is no commitment to continue if it doesn’t feel right.

If we decide for any reason that an alternative therapy would better meet your needs, we will discuss this together and I can suggest different avenues.

How long does each therapy session take?  How many sessions will I need?

The assessment session will take 60 mins so we think carefully together to get a good understanding of the main difficulty and what you’re seeking from therapy. This will also help determine the number of sessions. Weekly sessions are 50 minutes, though at times we might decide together to lengthen this for therapeutic purposes.

Funding Sessions

Clients can self-fund or pay via health insurance. I am registered with AVIVA & AXA. Please enquire for further details.

For online (£95), payment is requested before the session on the same day by bank transfer.

For in-person (£105), payment can be taken by cash/bank transfer at the session or beforehand.

Is it confidential?

Confidentiality is central to therapy and so is your safety and wellbeing. Confidentiality is only ever transgressed in exceptional circumstances, such as if you or someone else was at serious risk of harm. At the outset, we think this through and agree this together.

For further information about the above, notes and data retention, please see the Therapy Agreement document below.

What should I expect?

The below sets out how I work with safety and confidentiality in mind. Any questions, please do drop me a line.

Therapy Agreement & Privacy Policy